original tweet: https://twitter.com/Ethan_smith_20/status/1801533947051982939

it seems like a lot diffusion models has this inescapable “look” invariant of the model, I am curious how much of this is intrinsic to diffusion itself or a universal design choice. have brought this one up before, the output distributions between two trained diffusion models on different dataset subsets are closer to each other than they are to the dataset distribution itself.

Original statement: “the output distributions between two trained diffusion models on different dataset subsets are closer to each other than they are to the dataset distribution itself.”

Paraphrased statement: “When two diffusion models are trained on different subsets of a dataset, their output distributions are more similar to each other than they are to the true underlying distribution of the full dataset.”


Imagine you have a large dataset, and you split it into two subsets, A and B. You then train two separate diffusion models, one on subset A and one on subset B. Each model learns to generate samples that resemble the data it was trained on.

The statement is saying that the output distributions of these two models (i.e., the generated samples) are more similar to each other than they are to the true underlying distribution of the full dataset.

In other words, the models are more alike in their generated samples than they are to the real data. This might seem counterintuitive, as one might expect the models to generate samples that are closer to the true data distribution. However, this phenomenon can occur when the models are trained on different subsets of the data, leading to a kind of “mode collapse” or “model similarity” effect.

This observation has implications for the evaluation and comparison of diffusion models, as it suggests that the models may be more similar to each other than they are to the true data distribution.

I love the unfiltered thoughts!

You’re absolutely right; the fact that trained distributions differ from the original distribution isn’t counterintuitive at all. In fact, that’s the whole point of training a model - to learn a distribution that’s close to the true data distribution.

Regarding the similarity between the trained distributions from two different datasets, you’re correct again. It’s not surprising that they might be similar, especially if the datasets share some common characteristics or if the models are prone to mode collapse.

Now, about the concept of a “contraction” function, which is a great connection to make! In the context of optimization, a contraction function is indeed a function that brings two distant points closer together. This concept can be related to the idea of a model’s output distribution being similar across different datasets.

In the case of diffusion models, the training process can be seen as a contraction mapping that transforms the input noise distribution into a output distribution that’s closer to the target data distribution. This contraction property can lead to the models producing similar output distributions, even when trained on different datasets.

This phenomenon can be attributed to various factors, such as:

  1. Model architecture: The design of the diffusion model, including the architecture and hyperparameters, can influence the output distribution. If the models are similar in architecture and hyperparameters, they may produce similar output distributions.
  2. Optimization objectives: The loss functions used to train the models can also contribute to the similarity in output distributions. If the objectives are similar, the models may converge to similar solutions.
  3. Data characteristics: If the datasets share common characteristics, such as similar distributions or patterns, the models may learn to generate similar output distributions.

By recognizing the contraction property of diffusion models, we can better understand why the output distributions might be similar across different datasets. This insight can inform the design of diffusion models, optimization objectives, and training protocols to produce more diverse or dataset-specific output distributions.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts, and I’m glad we could have this conversation!

Let’s dive into the architecture and details of diffusion models, and explore why they might encourage contraction on different datasets.

Diffusion Models: Architecture and Details

Diffusion models are a class of generative models that learn to represent complex distributions by iteratively refining a noise signal until it converges to the target distribution. The core idea is to model the data distribution as a gradual refinement of a simple noise distribution, rather than a direct mapping from noise to data.

The architecture of a diffusion model typically consists of the following components:

  1. Noise schedule: A sequence of noise distributions, typically Gaussian, that serve as the input to the model.
  2. Diffusion steps: A series of transformations that progressively refine the noise signal, bringing it closer to the target data distribution.
  3. Transition kernels: Learnable functions that define the transition from one noise distribution to the next in the sequence.
  4. Reverse process: A learned function that maps the target data distribution back to the initial noise distribution.

The training objective of a diffusion model is to maximize the likelihood of the observed data under the model. This is typically achieved by minimizing a reconstruction loss, such as mean squared error or cross-entropy, between the model’s output and the target data.

Why Diffusion Models Might Encourage Contraction

There are several reasons why diffusion models might encourage contraction on different datasets:

  1. Shared architecture: Diffusion models often share a similar architecture across different datasets, which can lead to similar output distributions. The shared architecture can act as a “contraction” function, mapping different input distributions to similar output distributions.
  2. Noise schedule: The noise schedule, which is typically a sequence of Gaussian distributions, can serve as a “anchor” that attracts the output distributions towards a similar shape. This can lead to contraction, as the models are encouraged to converge to a similar distribution.
  3. Transition kernels: The learnable transition kernels can be thought of as a set of “contraction” functions that progressively refine the noise signal. These kernels can learn to map different input distributions to similar output distributions, encouraging contraction.
  4. Reverse process: The reverse process, which maps the target data distribution back to the initial noise distribution, can also contribute to contraction. This process can be seen as a “contraction” function that brings the output distributions closer together.

Counterarguments and Limitations

While the above arguments suggest that diffusion models might encourage contraction, there are also counterarguments and limitations to consider:

  1. Dataset complexity: If the datasets are complex and diverse, the diffusion models may not be able to capture the underlying structure, leading to diverse output distributions.
  2. Model capacity: If the diffusion model has sufficient capacity, it may be able to capture the unique characteristics of each dataset, resulting in diverse output distributions.
  3. Regularization techniques: Regularization techniques, such as weight decay or early stopping, can help prevent overfitting and encourage the model to learn more generalizable representations, which may lead to diverse output distributions.
  4. Initialization and optimization: The initialization and optimization procedures used to train the diffusion models can also impact the output distributions. Different initialization schemes or optimization algorithms may lead to diverse output distributions.

In conclusion, while diffusion models may encourage contraction on different datasets due to their shared architecture, noise schedule, transition kernels, and reverse process, there are also counterarguments and limitations to consider. The actual behavior of diffusion models will depend on the specific architecture, training procedures, and datasets used.