I was brought to a space pilot mission rally. We are about to attack something visually like a death star, except our side has the destroyers. I saw that the craft I am going to pilot is powered on its pilot’s blood, because it feels like swarm because the small ships, shaped like black long water droplet, clusters together, and would detach and start flying with tie fighter like screeching sounds. So after some blurry event after watching some fly away, I was suddenly within one, and I am just normally piloting a ship with controller sticks and things like in a normal cockpit. we flew for a long distance yet still under this mega-structure that made it feels like we are flying in doors. Then, past a certain ridge below us, we needed to make an abrupt stop. The star destroyer fleets and other attack vehicles, including a terran tank from sc1 somehow, were silently parked under the ridge, supposedly just outside of our target’s detection. I was able to quickly change my direction during my high speed cruising, fly downwards the ridge edge which opens up another vast space underneath (turns out we are sort of in space anyway) and land on top of a star destroyers. I even chatted with the tank operator parked next to me. He was like how could you all pull down so quickly, which brought me to notice that despite my very fast reaction speed ( in dream and irl ) actions often have lags because of input stream rate limitation. Think about i’m typing, speaking that requires me thinking how to convert what i’m thinking into speeches, and playing virtual games have hardware lags from input signal processing. Instead, for the craft i was piloting, it reacts to my thinking. This implies some sort of neural connection, but maybe it is connecting via blood (if you consider tapping into my brain blood) note that there isn’t any invasive device I needed to use, so maybe the blood rumor thing was just superstitious rumor made up by those whose mind couldn’t pilot one such craft.

Anyhow, at some random time before our next move was supposed to be conducted, the target was activated, red lights emit in its core, and it was about to attack us, so I turned on my ship, started flying the heck out of there, through a narrow opening in the ridge on the opposite side, into a dome-like space where you can visibly see the enclosure shell, probably engineered with some metal material. The shell was large enough to maybe contain 50 star destroyers. After I flew in, I panicked bc apparently 1. the thought of turning back never occurred to me and nothing was in front of me, so other people may or may not be behind me (they were, they had to because they were present in the next part of my dream) and 2. I tried shooting my energy weapon (which took the shape of the wave weapon in armored core 6, the air bubble like ones) but it didn’t do anything.

After this point my conscious rapidly switched to the next scene, where we’re no longer on each of our ships, but rather on our feet inside a building where we are equipped with some future-looking but dysfunctional gun. the thought of shooting the wall to escape also never occurred to me despite the building looking like a stone-built ones. The enemies have either gotten rid of half of our force or converted them, because down the hallway / corridor, which turns in front of me and I was watching through a window ( think when trains turn and you can see the other coasters ), the enemy was in this brown-gold-ish suits and are pushing in, they kept shooting down the hallway in the fashion of A New Hope corridor shooting scenes. I was desperate and started using the rear of my gun to hit the window screen, which happened to have similar texture of the regular screen we have in real life. you’d think it’s easy to break but nah it was sturdy. enemies are closing in, and the guys sitting across me was clueless about both what to do and what i was doing, so I started running to the back, except there is one more room for me to go to, and as soon as I went into this room i woke up.

After i woke up i felt hot but i also feel i shouldn’t feel hot because the fans are working normally. I also felt dehydrated because apparently after eating ayce hotpot in the previous noon, I only ever drank two glasses of water after.