
  • “#project-ideas”

New Interactive Product:

  • Producers can use their work to generate easy-to-understand scores for non-musicians
  • 5-10 ensembles will be given scores, presented in an intuitive way

The project foundation is to allow non-musicians to engage with highly abstracted sheet music, and learn or enjoy the music in some way. The aim is to provide a net gain of knowledge, or simply pure entertainment. The challenge of modern music is that there are few opportunities for the masses to engage with it.

In addition to solving this, we want to create highly abstracted music that is atonal in nature (i.e. without a tonal center).

We would like to integrate machine learning into the project, but are not sure yet how it will play out. The biggest challenge for composers is how to utilize artificial intelligence (AI) tools, rather than rejecting them. Many different musical genres have arisen due to advancements in technology, so we should embrace technology rather than rejecting it.

A lot of modern musicians have elitist attitudes: they believe that what they create is divine. Many young professors are against this elitist attitude. Modern music is at the brink of decline for two main reasons:

  1. There are no new genres, and most musical properties have been explored.
  2. These elitist attitudes have been present since classical music. AI has already been developed to a point where it won’t be stopped by opposition or lack of support from composers. The question now is how to expand one’s creative space using AI. One decision to make is whether to create the score in the form of a game or a falling grid.

We need to translate the information on the score into different forms, to make it easier for people who are not musicians to understand.

Music making fundamentals:

  1. Composers translate their ideas into tangible media.
  2. Players interpret these media and translate them into music.
  3. The hope is that the two translations are as accurate as possible.

We want to make this translation process easier.

Project requirements:

  • People skilled in software programming
  • People skilled in machine learning
  • People skilled in music composition

The advantage of young composers is that they understand current cultural trends and are familiar with new tools and technologies.

How to make concerts more enjoyable for the general public:

Furthermore, there are many different ways to appreciate non-commercial music, and it’s not necessary to only listen to music from hundreds of years ago.

Excessive focus on the Central Conservatory of Music (CCOM) has become a problem 💀💀💀

Minimalism has a rich history in American music.

Misc Notes

New interactive product:

  • producers can use their work to generate scores that non-musicians can comprehend and play;
  • for 5-10 ensembles give them some scores, present the scores in an intuitive way

The project foundation will be letting non-musicians engage with highly abstracted music scores but be able to learn or obtain some sort stuff. Net gain of knowledge, even just pure entertainment; The challenge of modern music is that we do not have a good opportunity to bring it to the 大众;

besides solving this, we also 真的写高度抽象化音乐


Integrate some machine learning;

  • not sure how this part plays out composer最大的挑战就是如何利用人工智能的任何东西,而不是反驳不用或者怎么; 很多流派都因为科技诞生了,所以我们要用科技而不是排斥科技 现在的问题是大部分现代化音乐人都有精英派想法:我们所做的东西都是至高无上的;

很多年轻教授大部分人都在反对精英派; 现代音乐已经在衰退边缘了:1. 没有新流派,没有新音乐,把大部分property都探索过了;2. 新精英派的主题早在古典音乐就有显现;

AI已经发展到这一步了,不会因为作曲家反对/不喜欢而停下来 如何用AI扩展自己的creative space;

  • 决定一种score方式:游戏的方式还是下落式?

把谱子信息改为其他形式的信息; 给非音乐家如何翻译谱子的帮助;

Music making fundamental:

  1. composer translate their idea into tangible media,
  2. player translate it into music,
  3. hope the two translations are as accurate as possible;

We want to make translation easier;


  • 精通software programming的人
  • 精通machine learning的人
  • 精通音乐作曲的人


如何能让普通人在concert hall have fun


央院综合症 💀💀💀

极简主义发展史 - 很大的美国音乐流派