• long form writings, technical or scientific
    • may be blog, project writeups
    • many of them are notes of stuff… what should i call it?
  • long form writings, non-technical (thinking)
  • short writing, technical noting
    • this is not notes but it kinda is tho…
  • short writing, random thoughts
  • should current projects be put out in its own? yes
    • but, also consider listing all projects i want to do

the last two points mean the following division eh maybe i will use tag to specify what they are. should’ve realized this long ago

  • projects:
    • ideas
    • individual write-ups, many.
  • blog
    • tags will be notes, project, writings, scattered, etc.
  • maybe also publicize pile just because i don’t really mind my mind being peeked anyway

the general belief that there will be solutions to real-world problems and we (human) can will it into happening; most of the time we chose not to.

  • maybe start here to expand this into blog about doomerism in general